Loveland High School - Class of '64
Loveland, Colorado


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Welcome back to the "old" Loveland High School.


Once an Indian - always an Indian!

This area is used to notify alumni of upcoming events, as well as informing them of general web site updates.

Upcoming Events

June 13th, 2025
Annual Luncheon:  Every year on the 2nd Friday of June.
Location for 2025: TBD (Currently looking for a park in Loveland to have a summer picnic lunch.  Everyone brings their own food and beverage.)

If you did not receive a 60th reunion invitation, via e-mail or letter, we don't have your current contact information!
Send your current information to:

Eight more names have been added to the Truant list.
We have no way to contact them.  The Truant list is at the very end of the Geographic Locator page.  Check it out - maybe you can help!!

Previous Messages:
Oct  - 2020
* This site as been trimmed down somewhat to comply with new web site hosting limits.
* Truant Alumni can now be found at the bottom of the Geographic Locator page.

May - 2021
* The Directory pages have been updated to show if the alumnus has served in a government service during their lifetime.

March 2024
The What's New page has been updated!

Food for Thought:
Health officials have discovered that chocolate is dangerous to your health.
Every piece you eat takes two minutes off your life.
I did the math - it seems I died in 1537!   (Thank you - Dennis Horst)

Thank you Peggy Malchow Sass for bringing the following to our attention:
Susan Minnick's husband, Frank Jefferson, was profiled in The Denver Post on Sunday, October 16, 2022 because the Dr. Martin Luther King Colorado Holiday Commission awarded him the Pioneer Lifetime Service Award “for his decades of work to promote voting and civil rights.”   Congratulations Frank!

       Senior Year Memories

             Loveland Memories


Class of '64 facts and figures:
Class size: 280 students (133 boys; 147 girls)

Graduation date: June 4th, 1964  (i.e. 6/4/64)
  *First Loveland High School outdoor graduation.
  *Last graduating class from original high school.
    (The first graduating class was 1894)

Class motto:  "We've conquered the foothills, the mountains lie beyond!"

Class colors: Blue, Green, and White

Class song: Climb Every Mountain  (click for music & lyrics)

Some additional 1964 facts!                                         

  • Best Picture: My Fair Lady
  • Top song: House of the Rising Sun.
  • New York City announced plans to build the World Trade Center.
  • The Beatles made their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson was elected over Barry Goldwater by a tremendous margin.
  • Bobby Kennedy was elected senator from New York.
  • Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali.
  • 18th NBA Championship: Boston Celtics beat San Francisco Warriors.
  • Ford introduced the new Mustang priced at $2,368.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Studebaker-Packard Corporation made seat belts standard equipment.
  • US report "Smoking & Health" connects smoking to lung cancer.
  • The average income was $6,109 a year.
  • Bread cost $.24 a loaf.
  • An 11” black and white television cost $99.95.
  • A Pontiac Grand Prix cost $2,895.
  • Gasoline was 25 cents a gallon!

This web site ( is in no way affiliated with Loveland High School of Loveland, Colorado, or the Loveland School System.

Services Statement:
This web site ( is designed to provide communications among Loveland High School Class of 1964 alumni.
This site posts information on reunion activities and alumni information of interest.
We provide classmate information only to other LHS reunion organizations upon written request from those organizations.
This site is a wholly owned, designed, operated and maintained entity of the Class of 64 Reunion Committee.
Please click here to submit any comments, questions or requests for service.