Loveland High School - Class of '64
Loveland, Colorado


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60th Class Reunion
(McC Ranch Event Center)

Group Photos
(This page will be updated as more photos are made available)

Click photo once to enlarge.  (Click back arrow on top left of page to return here)

(Name identification is left to right, using only maiden names.)


25th Reunion Tshirt

All Class of '64 classmates are listed alphbetically.

1963 Student Council (Back Row)

Janet De Boer - secretary; Gary Gray-president; Huey Anderson-vice-president; Marleen Swanson-treasurer.

Front Row: Cheer Leaders: Judy Linneman; Ronnie Bray; Jan Camp; Pam Foster; & Jeannie Carlson

Dave Cooper; Cathi and Lee Kline

Just catching up!

Cornhole Tournament Winners (Total prize money $125)

Tom Scofield ($20); Ann Scofield ($25); Mickie Bacon ($30); Terry Duffey ($50)

Dwayne Ballard's Letter Jacket (still fits if he doesn't button it).

Three stripes means lettered 3 years; Gold pins denote sports he played (i.e. football, basketball and track)

Dwayne Ballard awarding $80 of prize money for winners of the "Who lived where in 1950" contest.

Lee Kline; Evelyn Swartz; Sherrie Kirkpatrick & Marjorie Burden. (They all cheated!)

Lee Kline & Dwayne Ballard discussing Lee's request to pass the hat for donations for the Veterans Honor Memorial.

Lee collected over $600, including the prize money from all cornhole and 1950 contest winners



Group Activities
(click for list)



Thanks to all who attended!